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Alumni - Aberdeen Kenpo Karate-etc.

For every Black Belt there are literally hundreds of students, for a multitude of reasons, who did not make it to that goal. We want to acknowledge those people here to the best of our recollection. We can use your help!

The students listed here are/were students of all Shaolin Kenpo schools listed as operating in Grays Harbor from 1969-present day. Those individuals known to have received a Black Belt elsewhere will have an asterisk (*) next to their name. Current students of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia are also included here in recognition. We do not possess a great listing of the "H" Street location, but in fairness it closed over 40 years ago. We will put names up as we remember them, or they are submitted. If any of these individuals received a higher rank at another school, we absolutely welcome the opportunity to change that information.

If you do not see your name listed here and would like to be included on this list, please email with the last rank you earned, and we will gladly place you on this page. Without the students, there is no school, and without a school, an art form dies. Due to the sheer volume of students who have trained, we will be listing Purple Belt and above only.

Ian Carter
Ernie Evans
Gabe Jacobus
Chris Kovach
Tom Mull

Mark Skinner
Patrick Smith*
Jessica Pool

Jesus Barragon-Ayala
Roger Lane
Jeremy Mull
Aaron Olson
Madison Shellgren

David Sherman

Matt Peterson
Jack Richards
Greg Schlaht
Guy Staley

Earl Wimberly
Dave Wilson
Brian York

Keith Bowers*
Fawn Elgin
Kerri Elgin
Melody Mull
Brian York

Joe Califano
Ken Huffman*
Jennifer McManemy
Eric Nilsson
Jason Stamwitz
Eric Reasoner
Dee Watkins
Hank Woon
Corinne York

Robby Alexander
Reese Algozo
Stefani DeCamp
Judy Dunaway
Bill Hill

Robert Law
Richard Min
Alex Mull
Gary Sherman Jr.
Cody Woodruff

Terrie Alexander
Brian Caldwell
Logan Contreras
Ralph Delaney
Bert Garcia
Jason Hottell
Rachel Jacobus
Andy Joy
Ray Salzer
Jesse Sanchez
Heladio Sanchez
Barry Shellgren
Vince Wagner

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