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Bio - Matt Skinner

Unique Senior Photo Matt Skinner

Matt Skinner began training in Shaolin Kenpo as a freshman in High School. He possessed a natural ability rarely seen in new students and exhibited blinding speed, phenomenal control, and unbelievable flexibility.

Matt received his Black Belt in 1994 from his father Mike Skinner Sr. after working through a grueling three and a half-hour test in Bremerton Washington. During the performance of some of his kata, Professor Russ Kauffroath of Sam Pai Kenpo who was on the testing board would occasionally throw something at Matt to try to interrupt his concentration. It did not work! Matt's focus was so strong that he would simply sidestep the obstacle and continue through the movements.

Matt lives up north. In addition to his nursing career, Matt has also enjoyed photography as a hobby. His photo collection can be seen at

Although Matt practices Shaolin Kenpo rarely, he does stay in shape by summitting as many peaks as possible and participating in marathons .

Matt Skinner Black Belt Certificate

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