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Gallery 4

This gallery of photos chronicles the time period from 2001 to the present day and contains photos primarily from 2016 onward. In Martial Arts it is not uncommon for practitioners to forget to obtain photos of events. We often miss the opportunity to capture history being made, no matter how insignificant it might seem at the time-it's a never-ending quest.

All too often those missed moments become memories to be looked back on fondly as mentors, friends, and comrades pass into and out of our lives. Capture every moment that you can!

Most of the photos are in black and white. We have color copies of most of what is exhibited here. It is far more difficult to colorize a black and white photo than it is to use a newsprint filter on a color photo. If you see these photos elsewhere on the Internet, please do let us know.

Mike Skinner Jr. poses for a photo with UFC Hall of Famer Dan "The Beast" Severn in 2008. Dan was truly one of the most humble and accommodating individuals around. Hung out at a local MMA smoker show and then chatted with him on his way back to SeaTac airport.
photo courtesy of Mike Skinner Jr.

Brian Johnson with co-owner of the UFC, Dana White.
photo courtesy of Brian Johnson

Brian Johnson with former UFC Heavyweight Champion, and WWE Superstar Brock Lesnar.
photo courtesy of Brian Johnson

Sibok Clay Micheau with Shaolin Kenpo Creator and Founder Great Grandmaster Ralph Castro in Daly City, California in 2016. The Black Belt turnout for this seminar was exceptional.
photo courtesy of Clay Micheau.

Black Belt workout in Daly City held in 2016. In this photo from Washington State are Sibok Clay Micheau and Sifu John Kraft.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia

Sibok Clay Micheau with Professor Vince Ronan and Sr. Professor Gerald Ronan in 2016.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Professor Vince Ronan and Sibok Clay Micheau - Daly City 2017. This was one of the first photos from Sibok Clay's many trips to California.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Shaolin Kenpo Black Belt workout in 2017 in Daly City, California.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Mr. Bob Alexander, Professor Vince Ronan and Sibok Clay Micheau at a Shaolin Kenpo Black Belt workout in 2017.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Sr. Master Professor Sam Lucas, Sifu John Kraft, Grandmaster Boss Castro, and Sibok Clay Micheau at a Daly City Black Belt workout in 2018.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Shaolin Kenpo Black Belt workout in 2018 in Daly City, California. From Washington State are Sibok Clay Micheau and Mr. Bob Alexander.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Action photo for the Northwest Shaolin Kenpo Association in 2018 following what was undoubtedly a great workout.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.
Sifu Ben Galeana, Mr. Bob Alexander, Sibok Clay Micheau, and Professor Vince Ronan at a workout in 2018 in Olympia, Washington.

photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Logan Contreras and Bert Lopez, along with Sifu Howard Wong join the core four.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Ralph Delaney and his sons after a hard workout with Clay Micheau, Bob Alexander, and Howard Wong.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Shaolin Kenpo Black Belt Workout in Daly City in 2021.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

Post-workout in Daly City with Mr. Alexander, Great Grandmaster Castro, Professor Vince Ronan and Sibok Clay Micheau.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.

June 2022 - Clay Micheau earns his 6th Degree Black Belt and the title of Sibok.
photo courtesy of Shaolin Kenpo Martial Arts of Olympia.


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